The Central Library with Digital Library facility of the Institute is presently located on the Ground Floor of the main building. It has a collection of 18,000 text and reference books, 25 nos. of National and International periodicals and journals and adequate facility of technical magazine and newspapers that support for the academic development of students.. Library has spacious reading with 120 seating capacity and reference sections in addition to circulation counter. It also offers several news papers and magazines for casual reading. The circulation system in the library is to be automated with bar coded books and identity cards very soon.

Working hours : 9.15 AM to 5.00 PM
Circulation hours : During Lunch timing of respective Batch of students.
Library Card :
For every student of the Institute Library Card is issued to him/her by the Librarian in the beginning of the academic session for use during the full academic year. This card keeps the record of accounts of books borrowed and returned by the student. Library card is also maintained for every staff member of the Institute to keep record of the transactions of the reading materials.
Loss or damage of the Library Card : For issue of a Duplicate Library Card, in case of its loss or damage, at present a processing fee of Rs.10/- will be charged.
Circulation Section :
Issue and return of books/reading materials for members of the library is carried out in this section for every member. Records are maintained manually as well as through computer automation.
Reference Section :
A student can avail any book for reading in Reference Section. The book will be issued by the Library Asst. against the deposit of the Identity Card. Reprographic facility is provided for the benefit of readers in this section on payment basis in a subsidized cost.
Library Rules:
01 | Each bonafide student or staff of the institute can enroll the membership of the Library. |
02 | Members using the Library should record their names and status in the Library Register. |
03 | Personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library. |
04 | Silence has to be strictly observed by any member visiting the Library. |
05 | Members should not disturb the sitting arrangement in the reference section of Library. |
06 | Members should not misuse or twist the pages of the book borrowed or using in Reference Section. |
07 | No tracing or reproduction is allowed without the permission of the Librarian. |
08 | Readers have to return any book, journal, magazine or reading materials issued to him/her in good condition, before leaving the library to the In-Charge of Library. |
09 | Periodicals, journal, dictionaries and encyclopedia materials are not borrowable and can be consulted only in the Reference Section. |
10 | It is the responsibility of the member to satisfy himself/herself about the condition of the book borrowed. Any serious damage found in the borrowed material by the Library staff at the time of return, will be attributed to the borrower. He/she will be liable to compensate for it as per the norms decided by the Librarian. |
11 | No member against whom anything is overdue or penal charges are outstanding shall be allowed to borrow books. |
12 | The re-issue of a book to a member is possible only if the book is physically presented at the issue counter and is not being demanded by other members as per the schedule notified earlier. |
13 | The Librarian shall have the discretionary power to recall a book even during the valid period of possession of a borrower. |
14 | Infringement of the library rules may lead to the seizure of the library membership of a person. |
15 | No pet, such as dogs, cats etc. are allowed entry into any section of the library. |